Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Blonde on Blonde - Nada Surf

This song is beautiful to wake up with. Soft and echo-y, with a low rumble of guitar underneath the solemn lyrics. As someone who obsessively sings along with everything, another draw of this song is that it feels good to sing to. It's just in my range, and that aspect probably helps.

Good Morning!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Bite Hard - Franz Ferdinand

This is hands down my favorite song off of "Tonight: Franz Ferdinand." It's got a slow, misleading intro that busts into a sassy verse that just begs to be sang along to. The thunderous chorus makes you feel so alive that you might just dance right out of your skin. Ah, the glories of songs best listened to at top volume.

Amazing Morning!

Electric Shock - The Photo Atlas

This band came out with their first album some years ago, I think in 2005 or 2006. Then, BAM, they sign to a bigger label, and re-release it with two new songs. This is one of the new ones. I'm glad it was added. It fits with the older ones, which is nice, because the whole Photo Atlas experience is lightning fast drums and guitars, paired with shrill wailing. It's great, if you're in the mood for that sort of thing.

Good Morning!

(From September 3)

Friday, September 3, 2010

Rockaway Beach - The Ramones

I woke up from a dream in which a Simpsons ultra-marathon of all the seasons would be played, in order, for like a week straight. The opening theme thing was set to "Rockaway Beach."

It's such a catchy song, but then again, I don't think there's a single Ramones song that isn't. All of them are simple, bouncy, and put me in mind of dirty Chucks and torn blue jeans. Man, I miss jeans. Summer is taking too long.

Good Morning.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Live in a Hiding Place - Idlewild

"There are times that I should try to be so much more alive.."

The song kicks off with a lovely acoustic riff repeating until the chorus, which bursts out of the speakers with the typical Idlewild wave of sound. The uncharacteristic piano mixed into the chaos adds a really nice touch. Then it's back to the acoustic guitar.

It is a lovely song. I don't mind being on an Idlewild kick at all.

Good Morning!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Roseability - Idlewild

This song makes absolutely no sense to me; I mean, what IS "roseability," anyway? Either way, the jangly guitars and euphoric chorus make up for the complete confusion of lyrics. This Scottish band put out "Roseability" in 1999 on the album "1000 Broken Windows." While some of its album-mates may be a bit rough, this song is nicely polished and in my opinion, a strong choice for the single put out the following year.

Ah, if only they would do an American tour. Damn Atlantic.

Good Morning!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Empire State of Mind - Jay-Z, featuring Alicia Keys

Holy shit, I am wearing ear plugs the next time I am visiting my family. I can't handle this. Another catchy piece of trash forced into my subconscious by my little brother. I don't want to talk about it.

Miserable Morning.